Since the final product is scheduled to hit the stores soon, I finally got the permission to show these sketch cards I worked on for the upcoming Indiana Jones Heritage trading card set for TOPPS. They are one of a kind original sketches that will be inserted in every box of cards (one per box), along with autographed cards by Harisson Ford, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and others who worked on the films. Six of this cards will be returned to me later on which I am considering to put up for sale, so keep an eye on my blog if you are interested.
Wat een fantastische opdracht en wat een voortreffelijk werk, Patrick! De gelijkenissen zijn zo treffend en toch zo lekker gestileerd, precies zoals ik het lekker vind. Ironisch genoeg vind ik Indiana zelf de minst gelijkende, maar ik weet hoe onmogelijk die man op papier te krijgen is.
Favorieten: Toht (beide), Marion met aapje, Sallah en natuurlijk Mola Ram.
A friend saw your Indy art and passed around your blog link at work.
Really great stuff. I particularly like the set of cards concentrating on everyone's mug. I'd love to be young again and open a pack of cards and get the rare "face melter" card. :) Fantastic characterization.
Found your blog via the - just wanted to say i REALLY dig all your stuff here. You got a great sense of spontaneity in your sketches that stays with the art all the way through the digital steps... which is GREAT!! Style is cool... keep up the good stuff man!!
These are excellent! I've only just discovered your blog thanks to, and I'm really glad I have! If they released these cards as a set by themselves I'd pick them up straight away! Nice work on the rest of your blog too!
fantastic work, patrick! i LOVE the willie scotts, marions and the sallah! i know a lucky 12 year old who's going to get the first box when it hits the stores! (maybe he'll share with his 30+ old dad.)
Good sketches, but I think they are borderline racist offensive. Especially the ones with turbans. Look into the Sikhs. Please be aware of this when drawing in the future. Thanks.
These are fantastic!!! LOOOVE your style..They all looked like they are watercolored though - i worked on the LOTR M2 set i tried watercoloring and it totally warped the card - how did you keep them so nice?
Awesome. Remember growing up wanting to be an archaeologist until I found out their tool of choice was a dust brush rather than a whip and revolver. As said above you captured the essence of many of the coolest scenes in the films. Just awesome.
Superb! Thought your work for was outstanding, nice to see you getting a chance to tackle the rest of the Indy characters. Now if only we could get to see them animated...
awesome! THese are sooooo tasty i could eat them! I cant wait for Indy 4! Seeing as you seem to love it, check out this awesome Indy illustration at
Hi Patrick, Do they make copies of these or do they pack the actual original drawing in the deck? How can a good artist get in on some of this action? Thanks, Patrick, also
Jaren lang, heb ik je gepredikt naar de U.S. te gaan om daar te gaan werken. Pat, dat hoeft niet, want jij hebt Amerika totaal naar jezelf toegetrokken. Beter zelfs! Zoals Han-Solo ooit gezegd heeft: " Your one in a million, kid !"
Wat een fantastische opdracht en wat een voortreffelijk werk, Patrick! De gelijkenissen zijn zo treffend en toch zo lekker gestileerd, precies zoals ik het lekker vind. Ironisch genoeg vind ik Indiana zelf de minst gelijkende, maar ik weet hoe onmogelijk die man op papier te krijgen is.
Favorieten: Toht (beide), Marion met aapje, Sallah en natuurlijk Mola Ram.
Erg, erg goed gedaan, vrind.
Awesome! i would totally buy a tops set like this!
so why the monkey? all of the imagines are great yet why the monkey (lol)?
A friend saw your Indy art and passed around your blog link at work.
Really great stuff. I particularly like the set of cards concentrating on everyone's mug. I'd love to be young again and open a pack of cards and get the rare "face melter" card. :) Fantastic characterization.
Those are some of the best interpretations of Indy I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Found your blog via the - just wanted to say i REALLY dig all your stuff here. You got a great sense of spontaneity in your sketches that stays with the art all the way through the digital steps... which is GREAT!! Style is cool... keep up the good stuff man!!
Oh man, I don't even know where to start.. your stuff is awesome!! Love the Indy stuff!!
I'd really like to see these used for an Indy cartoon
These are excellent! I've only just discovered your blog thanks to, and I'm really glad I have! If they released these cards as a set by themselves I'd pick them up straight away! Nice work on the rest of your blog too!
I really loved this cards! The characters are fantastic.
amazing stuff!!!
wow. i'd like to see more contemporary big-budget films sponsor advertising that uses art as beautiful as these cards.
Wow, great artwork for a great commission ánd featured on Drawn! Congrats, Patrick, great work as usual!!!
fantastic work, patrick! i LOVE the willie scotts, marions and the sallah! i know a lucky 12 year old who's going to get the first box when it hits the stores! (maybe he'll share with his 30+ old dad.)
found your work through drawn. fantastic stuff! i'll be by often.
(as only a chicagoan can say)
Those are wicked cool!
These Indy cards are REALLY great. Nice work!
great stuff! I like youre blog
Good sketches, but I think they are borderline racist offensive. Especially the ones with turbans. Look into the Sikhs. Please be aware of this when drawing in the future. Thanks.
Man, these are fantastic. I'd totally buy 'em!
But... no Marcus Brody? I'm surprised!
stellar work.....
like seeing the alternate versions of the chilled monkey brains.
Hoping to see some more...maybe a nice marcus brody, ark of the covenant, young indy, or possibly a little belloq
great stuff.
Wow, these are great! I REALLY love the stuff down below, too (the girls and the Indy banners in particular). Excellent!
Nice work...I came to see these through Drawn, but am really liking the girls and Indy pieces as well!
Very cool!
I haven't bought Topps in years, but I'm definitely buying these.
Flippin' Awesome.
Nice work, man.
These are fantastic!!! LOOOVE your style..They all looked like they are watercolored though - i worked on the LOTR M2 set i tried watercoloring and it totally warped the card - how did you keep them so nice?
just saw this on drawn! rock on patrick! nice one!
Those are so awesome. Every expression is spot on. You should try and get permission to do an IJ comic or something. Very spectacular work!!
AWESOME!! It's the Indiana Jones cartoon I always wanted but never got :)
Very nicely done! You captured all the characters wonderfully!
Great work Patrick, I love your faces.!
Awesome. Remember growing up wanting to be an archaeologist until I found out their tool of choice was a dust brush rather than a whip and revolver. As said above you captured the essence of many of the coolest scenes in the films. Just awesome.
Superb! Thought your work for was outstanding, nice to see you getting a chance to tackle the rest of the Indy characters. Now if only we could get to see them animated...
awesome! THese are sooooo tasty i could eat them! I cant wait for Indy 4! Seeing as you seem to love it, check out this awesome Indy illustration at
These are so well done - you captured the characters excellently in your style, wahoo!
I'm a new fan :)
Erm, hope you don't mind me using the Lao Che one as a profile picture. :S
Hi Patrick, Do they make copies of these or do they pack the actual original drawing in the deck?
How can a good artist get in on some of this action?
Thanks, Patrick, also
Greetings, Patrick.
Awesome work, congratulations.
I wrote a post in my blog (it's a illustration blog) about your Indiana Jones cards, using a picture in your blog.
That's the link:
I hope there's no problem to post the picture in my blog.
Thank you.
awesome designs. this has TV series potential.
Excellent card set man, love them all!
Jaren lang, heb ik je gepredikt naar de U.S. te gaan om daar te gaan werken.
Pat, dat hoeft niet, want jij hebt Amerika totaal naar jezelf toegetrokken.
Beter zelfs! Zoals Han-Solo ooit gezegd heeft: " Your one in a million, kid !"
Buigend op de grond, met neus in het stof,
Awesome cards. Definitely essential to any amateur and serious collector.
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