Thursday, December 3, 2009

In the mean time...

Here is a piece I did for the upcoming Topps Star Wars Galaxy 5 trading card set. It is of a scene that isn't actually in the film, where Han Solo finds the place where Luke Skywalker was slapped in the face by the Wampa creature and dragged away. I am working on a Star Wars print for Acme Archives at the moment about another scene we didn't get to see. I won't give away much, but it features Leia and a certain overweigt snail.
And here is one of my preliminary sketches that will probably be featured on the back of the card.And here is a piece I made for the Drawing Jam at the I am not sure about the colors, I can't seem to get my Cintiq callibrated the way I want it to be. It's based on a photograph of a model named Jamie Koeppe.


  1. Haha nice!
    uiteindelijk zul jij toch carrière gaan maken met het tekenen van Harrison Ford ;)

    Heb btw een workprint van The Itch gezien van Egbert op de open dag, hij is erg vet geworden!

  2. AWESOME!!!!!

    Have you seen the tun tun sleeping bags you can buy from one of those geek websites, pretty awesome!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. by the way, i cant get my cintiq to work either...with the colours. It makes them alot darker and dull compared to what I do on my main monitor...Im using the smaller sized one. Let me know if you figure it out, would be nice to hear someone's figured it out.

  5. saw this over at the board. Decided to come check over here to see if there was an update, and if not, I was gonna bug ya about it. Glad to see some new work from you, mate.
