Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Itch wins and gets a website!

I am very proud to say The Itch won the International Student Award at Klik! Amsterdam. As of now, there is also a website live were I will post news and other things about my short film:

So if you want to get updates on where it will play next, be sure to bookmark it!


Sewie said...

Heyhey, Gefeliciteerd Patrick!!
De designs zien er geweldig uit! Ik hoop de film snel te zien.

Anonymous said...

Congratumalations Mr. Schoenmaker. :)

Joop said...

Nice! Jammer genoeg zit ik nog steeds in Wenen...

Wayne B. Medina said...

Hi Patrick!!! You have an awesomely inspiring blog sir! my goodness I love your style. thank you for stumbling upon my blog and linking me...I am very humbled by the gesture =)

Hope to learn a thing or two from you =)

Unknown said...

Te gek Patrick! Gefeliciteerd! Ik hoop de film snel te kunnen zien!

Jordi said...

Proficiat jongen! Welverdiend! Dat het maar veel goeds moge opleveren.

jonathan said...

nice blog

Mick said...

of course it won

Christian said...

Well done Sir. Fantastic work.

Boudewijn said...

He Patrick,

gefeliciteerd man! Heel goed!

Anonymous said...

Hoi daar! Awesome blog! Had je werk al eerder gezien in de C1000 folder :P cool om nu je blog te zien.