Monday, May 23, 2011

No time for love, Dr. Jones!

Yes, the inevitable happened. Woke up behind my desk in the middle of the night, to find out I was half way done with a Shorty maquette, to accompany Indy on his adventures on my bookshelve.


  1. Veeery nice... I have to ask though: Is that BluTac?

  2. BluTac? That would be something! Although I must admit that BluTac was indeed the first stuff I sculpted when I was 10 or 12, at the moment I'm quite happy with my stash of grey Super Sculpey Firm.

  3. Yes, ahem... That does make much more sense... BluTac indeed!

  4. These maquettes are amazing!! Are these just personal, or is there any remote chance of you mass-producing these??

  5. Junaid asked the question I had for you. Really cool work. I like both Ind and the Shorty sculpture.

  6. ah kijk nu ben ik weer up-to-date :) Super vet... vooral ook die schedel die op die spies zit, die is me als kind ook bijgebleven!

  7. Awesome post, thanks for sharing.

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