Sunday, April 1, 2012

Animated Indy line-up

Something from the Animated Indy Archive.


  1. I wish this was in production. It would be so much better than another live action film. Awesome designs Patrick!

  2. I would totally watch this series. Love your take on the characters!

  3. that looks nothing like Denim Elbow.

    hello, how are you?

  4. Animated Indiana Jones?
    Yes! Please! Thank You!

    Inform Lord Lucas we have an animator and get this into production ASAFP.

    Your Indy character sheet is spot on.

  5. Nice work here. I love the design of it, i think it could add so much to the actual series. An animated version of indiana jones would be the perfect move to save Harrison´s ass from another motion pic. I feel this is it. I had so many ideas and have done nothing about it, but this is the way to go, your work will be listened. nicely done, congrats
