Friday, January 22, 2010

Star Wars this, Star Wars that...

What's with all the Star Wars lately? I have no clue, it just seems to follow me like a mad rabbit with a taste for attractive, dark haired geeks. But of course, that doesn't mean I'm not having a great time making this stuff! Here is a collection of sketch cards done for Topps Star Wars Galaxy 5 trading card set, all of these will be inserted in packs, so they could be yours if you bought enough boxes at your local retailer. Next stop, a new Star Wars print for Acme Archives!


  1. Man, i like your character studies alot!! I thought of sketching from a movie but never got around doing it. U have inspired me to do so!hahah i came accross your indy piece at comic con in san D, congrats on that and cant wait to see your take on the star wars saga.great job!

  2. These characters are really fantastic, and i love the Indiana Jones character too! You're Great, Man!

  3. Your works are awesome and so are the movies you draw about.I think I'm going to follow your blog.

    P.s. If you have 5 minutes to waste, please check my blog I would love to hear some advice from you. thank you.


  4. Gorgeous cards. You're able to capture the essence of the characters in such simple shape and line. Great emoting. Amazing overall!

    I also did some cards for the TOPPS Star Wars Galaxy5 series and it's good to see your cards. You've raised the bar for me! Check out my cards here

    Nice to meet you!

  5. you are so blessed to have this job of doing the star wars as always it looks so awesome!


    I love your style and how you apply color.

    I'm adding you to my favourite blog list.

