Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Princess's new Clothes

So here it is, my new Star Wars print, soon available through Acme Archives! I've been working on this for a long time, but in the end I think I succeeded in cramming every single character that I liked about this scene into one drawing. When the first 2 Star Wars films where released I was either not born at all (episode IV), or just a smelly pink baby (episode V). When Return of the Jedi was released I must have been 3 or 4 so I can't say I saw that one in the cinema's either, but I do remember receiving a few toys for my birthday one day and they really made a big impact on me. I remember looking at the back of the packaging, seeing all those strange creatures and also the ads in certain magazines that I read as a child showing pictures of the classic Jedi Kenner toys and I was mesmerized. Luckily I have a dad who managed to preserve his inner nerdy kid a little and he got me a some of them when they went on clearance. I still have Bib Fortuna, Ree Yees, Gamorrean Guard and Lando Skiff Guard, along with a few others. Never got Jabba though. For a long time, since I only saw the actual films years later, Star Wars to me was mainly about toys. So this print is a homage to all the toys that kept me company during the dark and scary first years of my life! Here's to you guys, I promise I'll pay you a visit in the attic soon!

I will have a few signed copies of this for sale myself, so if you are interested in getting one, keep an eye out on my blog. It will be produced in two sizes: 15x30 inch or 13x19.

So, here is a little peek in the kitchen, showing a few explorational sketches. I knew from the start that I wanted Jabba as the centerpiece of this print. I also wanted to show something that was only implied in the films, but never shown on screen, and I wanted to put as many characters in as possible.


  1. I love your style and your artworks...expecially the Indiana Jones and Star Wars one...

  2. Just excellent ! Every creature is easily recognizable, and i also like the atmosphere of the image !

  3. Great stuff! You really caught the feel of the place.

  4. I was doubtful when first seeing the post as I keep Star Wars in very high regard.
    When I saw the enlarged picture, I was blown away, though.
    You captured the mood of the ambience AND of the characters.
    Wonderful work!

  5. jUST phenomenal!! One of the reasons Jedi had such an impact on me as a 5 year old was the sheer variety of characters in this awesome scene, and you've drawn most of them! Plus you've covered a cool scene we never got to see....oh man, really nice work....or what i meant to say was....

    'Impressive...most impressive' :) sorry

  6. Pretty awesome!!
    I love your style and your imagination.

    Please,please,please finish your orignal idea where Leia is sitting next to Jabba!


  7. Wow! Great stuff! Love the style, love the lighting even more!

  8. BEautiful!! love the different layout!

  9. well done, another freakin awesome illustration.

  10. I just discovered your website and it's stunning! A great source of inspiration.
    Keep up the good work!

  11. Amazing how you capture the real Star Wars feel, in your own drawing style. Great stuff, very inspiring .. I'll probably put on Jedi later on to watch this scene.
